Update: Shoalhaven Rep Carnival

The Community Footy managers for each of the Shoalhaven Junior Carnival’s participating leagues met yesterday and decided that the 2022 Shoalhaven Junior Carnival scheduled for 1-3 July would be postponed with a date TBC.
This decision was made with a participation focus front of mind following the significant loss of competition rounds across the Shoalhaven and Illawarra Junior leagues. Whilst the representative program is an important one for our leagues, we deemed it unreasonable to remove the potential for another full round of local football to be lost in these communities in exchange for the rep carnival, considering how little club football Shoalhaven and Illawarra juniors have played this season.
Participating leagues will work together to find a suitable solution to ensure the carnival runs in 2022 and league managers will communicate these plans with clubs in due course.
The postponement of the Shoalhaven Junior Carnival will also see minor impacts on the Senior representative fixtures between AFL Central West and AFL Sapphire Coast, which could include:
- Change of game times
- Change of location
We would like to thank the volunteers from each region who had accepted coaching/support positions for their respective leagues and will continue to communicate with each of you as we finalise details.